07 July 2014


Today, you grasp your felty pen - some baby magic settled between your ears like the plastic lightning bolt you once wore on your head as a joke.

And, you have papers - stacked, glued together at the edges, coffined by two boards, though still open on two ends - bound yet breathing, with leaky black thoughts nestled in the whiteness of whole color.

And, you want fixity. You say you don't, but you do - seeking a single pursuit you hope will hold you in a reverberating pool in cupped hands. Inside, you'd swim 100 laps, work at the crevices, and peer over tips dipped in flesh until night came just when you needed a float.

But, instead, you climb the mountains of your mind - holding tight to your dangling doubt - the only thing you trust.

And, you know what happens when the trusted is defined by its own treachery....  Winning loses, and, yes, you trust that, too.